Introducing Pickering’s FIRST High Voltage, SMD Reed Relay

11 月 23, 2023

Series 219 is a brand new high-voltage surface mount relay designed to effortlessly switch up to 1kV in 1 Form A, 2 Form A, & 1 Form B configurations. Nobody else in the market offers SMD high voltage relays in 2 Form A and 1 Form B packages.


  • Switching up to 1kV at up to 3kV stand-off.
  • 3, 5 or 12V operating coils with optional diode.
  • 1 Form A, 2 Form A or 1 Form B configurations.
  • Switching up to 0.7A, 10W.
  • Operating temperature from -40°C to +105°C.
  • Suitable for semiconductor testers, medical electronics testing, & renewable energy testing


Currently, 2 package types are available:

  • 1 Form A and 1 Form B with approximate unit weight of 2.12 g.
  • 2 Form A with approximate unit weight:of 2.39 g.

Pickering 219 Series Package Types

The Series 219 Reed Relay has several standard build options. If your requirements can’t be met by either a standard relay or any of the standard build options, Pickering also offer a customized reed relay service to suit your specific application.
Find out more about Series 219 Reed Relays 在此处 


Pickering Series 67/68ES 10kV High Voltage SIL/SIP Reed Relays

2 月 8, 2023
Pickering has launched a new series, Series 67/68ES, which offers optional electrostatic shielding for their current 10kV stand-off Series 67/68 SIL/SIP Reed Relays. Electrostatic screening minimises noise which can otherwise occur between the coil drive and high voltage circuits. The new screening is an extension to Pickering’s internal mu-metal screen which eradicates magnetic interaction when…



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Flat and Pointed Tip Spring-Loaded Pins and Connectors

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